As an example we’ve conducted a very simple recovery from a phrase using an Electrum Wallet. Other wallets will look slightly different but the fundamentals remain the same.

When setting up the example Electrum wallet, we recorded the following information:

  • Seed phrase: canyon hazard monitor mention frog lemon claim hollow example cover truly wire
  • Wallet software: Electrum v3.3.8
  • Wallet type: Standard
  • Address type: SegWit
  • Derivation path (from Single Signer: m/44’|49’|84/0’/0′ Multisig: m/45’/0/0/0 m/48’/0’/0’/1′ m/48’/0’/0’/2′ Does not use BIP39 seed phrases but can import them

Here is a list of addresses in the example wallet, which we will be trying to recover:

After a computer failure, we can restore our funds using the following steps:

1. Run the Electrum wallet and choose a wallet name. This can be anything and does not need to match the original wallet name:

2. Our wallet was a standard wallet type:

3. We want to use our existing seed phrase to create the wallet:

4. We enter our seed phrase that we had backed up:

5. We can encrypt the wallet keys using whatever passphrase we want. It does not need to match the one used when we originally created our wallet:

Now that we have recovered our wallet, we can see that our recovery was successful by checking the list of addresses to see that it matches the wallet from before the computer failure:

Note: By default, the addresses aren’t shown in Electrum. Use View -> Show Addresses if you want to see them.